Take a few minutes to answer the following questions. The checklist is not intended to serve as a complete assessment of any given area and does not constitute a complete list of all areas of compliance. The list is designed to give you a general idea of your level of compliance and the areas that need additional work.
Utilize the Check List below to
determine your areas of compliance need.
Do you have a written Compliance Plan that directs the activities of employees involved with an investigation?
Do you have written policies and procedures for day to day operations?
Have all employees received the required initial and annual training (OSHA, HIPAA, etc.)?
Do you have training documentation for the past three years?
Do you have Exposure Control, Hazard Communication, and Emergency Action Plans? Have they been updated recently?
Are your employees prepared for an OSHA inspection today?
Have you assigned a Compliance Officer and a Privacy/Security Officer?
Have you posted your Notice of Privacy Practices in your waiting room?
Have you updated your Business Associate agreements?
Does your organization perform periodic internal audits and reviews?
Does your organization place importance on compliance in all aspects of its operations?
Do you have enough time to keep up with the ever-changing regulations?